ART SUPPLIES (New and gently used)

The drive, July 29th through Aug 19, 2020, was a HUGE success! Thank you to all who worked to make this happen. Thank you to the Rotary Clubs for their tremendous support in collecting items for this recent drive. Thank you to our AWESOME volunteers who picked up the donations and got them to out us. It’s because of your support that this collection ran like a well oiled machine. Did you miss this drive and have gently used or new art supplies to donate? Please hold on to them until our next call out. We're super busy sorting and preparing the current drive's items to ship the boxes to remote Indigenous schools.
We have more items than our budget has funds to ship so monetary donations to help with shipping would be greatly appreciated. You could sponsor the shipping of a box of supplies for $50.00, or purchase something from the 100% of sales from the shop fund the Art for Aid Project.
** Update ** As of March, 2021, we are in a holding pattern with collecting art supplies. Art for Aid needs a bit more space these days so we're hoping to be able to find affordable gallery and working space in the Carleton Place, Smiths Falls, Perth area. Please email us at if you have any suggestions or a way to support our continued expansion. Miigwetch. Thank you.