Schools Impacted by The Art for Aid Project
Since 2013, thanks to the powerful support of kindness, love and art,
Art for Aid has provided art supplies and program support to these schools:
Miskooseepi School, Bloodvein, MB
Eagle View Elementary School, Port Hardy, BC
Pelican Narrows, SK
Athabasca Denesuline Education Authority, Prince Albert, SK
Father Porte Memorial Denesuline School, Black Lake, SK
Lawrence Wesley Education Centre, Cat Lake First Nations, ON
Rapid Lake, Quebec (Culture Programming)
Ministik Public School, SK - (formerly Cumberland House)
Amos Okemow Memorial Education Authority - God’s River, MB
Twin Lakes Community School - Buffalo Narrows, SK
Nibinamik/Summer Beaver, ON
Miskooseepi School, Bloodvein, MB
Petit Casimir Memorial School, Lac Brochet, MB
Chief Clifford Lynxleg Anishinabe School Tootinaowaziibeeng, MB
Kisikohk School, Witchekan Lake First Nation, Saskatchewan
Eabametoong FN Education Authority, Fort Hope, Ontario
Manito Sipi Cree Nation God's River, Manitoba
Manitoba First Nation Education Resource Centre - Bloodvein, MB
Fort William Education Authority - Fort William, ON
Eagleview Elementary School - Port Hardy, BC
Peter Yassie Memorial School - Tadoule Lake, MB
Gaagagekiizhik School - Kenora, ON
The Sautjuit School - Kangirsuk, QC
Charlebois Community School, Cumberland House, SK
Igloolik High School, Iglulik, NU
Lakeview Secondary Public School, M'Chigeeng FN, ON
Mamawmatawa Holistic Education Centre, Constance Lake, ON
North Caribou Lake FN School, Weagamow Lake, ON
Kistiganwacheeng Elementary School, Garden Hill, MB
Igloolik High School, Iglulik, NU
Jens Haven Memorial School, Jens Haven NU
Mushau Innu Natuashish School, Natuashish, NL
Nasivvik High School, Pond Inlet, NU
Bella Bella Community School, Bella Bella, BC
James Smith Cree Nation, SK, (Crisis Support)
Gaagegekizhik School in Kenora, ON
Kitwanga Elementary, Kitwanga, BC
Charlebois Community School, Cumberland House, SK
Horse Lake First Nation, Hythe, AB
Kistiganwacheeng Elementary School, MB
Garden Hill High School, MB
Split Lake School Split Lake, MB(no school name)
Covid 19 Community Student Support: Red Sucker Lake, MB
Red Sucker Lake School, Red Sucker Lake, MB
North Caribou Lake First Nation, Weagamow Lake, ON
Gitanyow Independent School, Kitwanga, BC
Kitwanga Elementary School, Kitwanga, BC
Otter Art Club, Orillia, ON
Miskooseepi School, Bloodvein MB
Lydia Lois Beardy Memorial School, Wunnumin Lake, ON
Pikangikum, ON
Nibinamik FN, ON
Kistiganawacheeng Elementary School, Garden Hill, MB
School, in Kitigan Zibi, QC
School, in Rapid Lake, QC
Peter Yassie Memorial School, Tadoule Lake, MB
God’s Lake Narrows First Nation School – God’s Lake, MB
New Hazelton School, New Hazelton, BC
Bimose Community High School, Kenora ON
Badabin Eeyou School, Kuujjuarapik, QC
Brighter Beginnings Academy, Fort McMurray, Alberta, BC
Fort McKay School, Fort McKay, Alberta, BC
Swan River School, Kinuso, Alberta, BC
George Saunders Memorial School, York Landing MB
North Island Secondary School, Port McNeill, BC
Migizi School, Longlac, ON
Kispiox Community School, Kispiox, BC
Simon Jacob Memorial Education Centre, Webequie, ON
M'Chigeeng Early Years Learning Centre, M’Chigeeng, ON
Fort William School, Fort William, ON
Rainbow Elementary School, Waswanipi, QC
Brighter Beginnings Academy, Fort McMurray, AB
Makwa Sahgaiehcan FN, SK
Joamie Ilinniarvik School, NU
Nakasuk School, Iqaluit, NU
Nanook Elementary, Iqaluit, NU
Ecole des Trois Soleils, NU
Whycocmagh, NS
Cambridge Bay, NU
Chateh, Alberta, BC
Natuashish, NF
Naine, Labrador
Shamawatta FN, MB
Cat Lake FN, ON
Pikangikum, ON
Chapleau Cree FN, ON
Nahanni Butte, NWT
Kasabonika FN, ON
Wapekeka FN, ON
Nibinamik FN, ON
Pond Inlet, Iqaluit, NU
Sandy Lake FN, ON
Wikwemikong FN, ON
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug FN, ON
Arnaqjuaq School, NU
Charles Tetcho School, NWT
Peawanuck FN, ON
Eenchokay Birchstick School, Pikangikum ON
Peawanuck FN, ON
Iqualuit and Baffin Island, NU
Wapekeka FN, ON
Pangnirtung, NU
Garden Hill FN, MB
Neskantaga FN, ON
Arnaqjuaq School, NU
Charles Tetcho School, NWT
Long Lake #58 FN, ON
Magnetawan FN, ON
Attawapiskat FN, ON
Rapid Lake, Barriere Lake, QC
Kashechewan FN, ON
Attawapiskat FN, ON